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Importance of the marine oceans

Importance of the marine oceansThe oceans feed us, regulate our climate and produce most of the oxygen we breathe. Rain, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food and even the oxygen from the air we breathe are provided and regulated by the sea. In the seas and oceans, minor organisms such as marine plankton play an important role and extraordinary benefits.

How important is marine plankton?

Plankton is the basis of the trophic pyramid of the marine ecosystem. Thanks to solar energy, phytoplankton generates organic matter, becoming the primary producer of the food chain. Marine plankton is composed of a set of organisms, mostly microscopic, that float in the seas and oceans at the mercy of currents due to their non-existent or very limited swimming capacity. Much of it develops in intermediate depths, up to 600 meters, although some species can live in ocean graves. Plankton is subdivided into phytoplankton (plant plankton) and zooplankton (animal plankton). The first group is composed of a high percentage of cyanobacteria and unicellular algae (diatomacea and dinoflagellates are the most abundant) that produce their own food through photosynthesis. These organisms therefore need sunlight and the existence of suspended minerals and that is why they are usually found in the surface layers of the oceans, between 10-45 meters deep. In addition to serving as food for zooplankton, phytoplankton is responsible for the production of more than half of the planet's oxygen. The large plankton community is more numerous in the shallow and turbulent areas since it is where the organic matter on which it feeds is located.

How does plankton influence the formation of essential elements and bioactive trace elements?

While phytoplankton are organisms of plant origin that live floating and capable of performing photosynthesis and are the most important primary producers in the ocean. Marine zooplankton brings together a wide group of organisms that includes bacteria, crustaceans, cnidarians, radiolarios, foraminifera, polychete worms, rotifers and even fish larvae. Among the most abundant are diatoms (which have a siliceous skeleton), dinoflagellates, cyanophytes or blue green algae, brown algae and coccolitophores. Plankton during the nutrient digestion process has the ability to convert metals dissolved in seawater into essential elements and bioactive trace elements with extraordinary properties and importance for human health. The abundance of the elements and trace elements will be determined by their concentrations according to the depth of collection, suggested between 15 and 45 meters where sunlight still arrives and makes it possible to digest marine nutrients for the formation of these elements and bioactive trace elements.

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